It makes math problems. You make the answers. Confetti explodes if you get it right, so it's totally worth it.
A memory game for random nouns in Latin, Spanish, and Chinese because why not?
Run and jump. Well actually just jump, since the running takes care of itself.
Enter a URL and get the contents of that page as a TXT or RTF or HTML file.
Do you hate logic? Do you never want to infer or deduce? Then use the AmERiCaN MEasURiNg system. You can find out how many ounces long a donut is fast!
Do you have a kid who shudders with joy at the mere mention of a primate? Then thrill to the simian selection of the daily monkey app! Now with 12% more ape! *May include some lemurs.
Do you have a kid who needs to see trucks the way other kids need to see pokemon? Then enjoy an app that shows discontinued truck models from 3rd world nations!
Do you need to learn 100 nouns in Latin? Or Spanish? Or Chinese? Then go for it with this flash card emoji app thing!
What tide is it? Enter a zip code to find out the tides at the nearest NOAA station.
Enter your zip code to find out what constellations you can see tonight. The constellations twinkling behind the lousy weather and light polution.
A lifting program. Enter your 1RMs and it gives you a protocol to follow. Nothing too fancy.
One thousand most common English words with American spelling. How fast can you type? How accurately? Enter the typing arena!!!
An interval timer big enough to see without your contacts in! Enter work/rest times and sets.
A handy calc for figuring out your time, distance, and speed. Also a rough VO2 Max estimate. Also an incline for treadmill people.
Which kid has to take a bath first? No more negotiations, just have them pick a number. Change the numbers to predict the outcome. Your kids will never know.
All you can eat folksy wisdom on life, love, and investing at the Charlie Munger Buffet. Buffett. Warren Buffett. Whatever.
When will you die? How many famous people have you outlived? Can anyone beat Nelson Mandela? Enter your birthdate to find out.
Travel back in time and thrill to the diminishing purchasing power of the dollar. Find out how rich you would be today if you had started investing 25 years ago when nobody listened to me...
Daily Undulating Periodization. Or, another lifting program. But one with robust studies and peer reviewed evidence. Enter your 1RMs and it gives you a protocol to follow.
They say that the squeaky wheel gets the grease. They also say the squeaky wheel gets replaced. Enjoy mutually exclusive wisdom!
Can you do all the things? Make a list, check it never, and attempt to do even 3 simple things before the day unravels.
Meditation works for some people. You might be those some people. Try it. I can't even.
Ancient Greek and Roman thoughts on life. Some Stoic, most not. Little Aurelius, but hopefully some more obscure folks.